Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Parable of the Shoe Thief

The Shoe Theif

by Unknown

This master lived in a village. This village was a smaller village, but everyone knew the master, because he was the only one that owned a house. This house wasn't huge, but it was clean and the countenance of the house was amazing. This house was built on a hill and people would walk barefoot up this trail to the house and with their keys, would go inside, enjoy the special treasure, and then later leave. People did this all day long, but there was someone who did not like that this master had a house and everybody was paying attention to him So this thief tried everything possible to destroy this house, but for some reason was very unsuccessful. So he thought and thought and thought that if he got the master of the house, then the house would be his, so he planned.

He noticed that everybody was barefoot and was walking on this trail up to this house, so at night, he put glass and nails and other things that would cut these peoples feet up. When it came to be morning, the people noticed that they were unable to walk up to the house because they were getting cut. So they just eventually just wandered around and some wander so far away that they got lost.
The master asked his servants to do everything that they could to bring these people back. So these servants went out of the house and talked with these people. He told them about the key to the house and the treasure that they could find inside, but most of the people did not even know what the house was or why they even cared about the treasures. So the servants realized that these people are not remembering what the treasures were. So they thought, well if we give them shoes, then they would be able to walk on the glass up to the house.

The servants went around to the people giving them shoes and after a while, people started putting these shoes on. These shoes were a little magical though; they fit all sizes of feet and would lead you I the direction of the house, all you had to do is walk. So people put these shoes on and started walking and got lead in the direction of the house. This shoe thief noticed that they were going towards the house, so he thought and thought and came up with another idea. He would build houses around this house and they would be confused. It worked on some of the people, but not all of them. So he thought again and again and came up with another idea. If he were to have the people loosen up their shoes, then he could come in when they are sleeping and take them off. The shoe thief went up to the people and asked, hey your shoes look a little tight, and you should loosen them so that it’s more comfortable. Some people said no, I like them the way they are, while some said, you know your right and they loosened them. The people that loosened them got their shoes taken off at night when they were sleeping. These people got their feet cut up and eventually lost. The people that did not loosen their shoes eventually made it to the home where they received a brand new key and they could remember the treasure that the master offered. 

This was a story that I heard that I liked. I can't remember who told it though.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Arizona/New Mexico Pictures

By Chase Willden

I Love Close ups on bugs and wildlife. These were taken in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and Tuscan Arizona. Hope you Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Things Lost

The Things Lost

By Chase Willden

The things that are lost aren't lost when they are found,
until the time when they are found, what is to be done?
Many look until the departing of the sun,
others give up because it's not there.
Did you think to offer up a humble prayer?

The sun glimmers through the unbroken window,
so you knew to get down on your knees.
You fold your arms, there's not a sound.
You ask, "Please, help me find my lost soul."
You sit and wait until it's dark.

Then, just when you think no one is listening,
a voice came small and simple about what's missing.
"I forgive you," declares the Father from his heavenly throne.
You open your eyes, stare at the ground,
see the stars, in the heavens around.

A star shoots across the sky,
and your eyes forms many tears,
you found what was missing for years.
You know your Heavenly Father was there,
all from offering up a humble prayer.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Having HAD an issue of blood

Having HAD an Issue of Blood

Luke 8:43-48* 

By Chase Willden

                “Let the master through” hollered a man who was in the middle of the crowd. The crowd wouldn't listen though, they just continued in their own worlds, not worrying about another living soul. The crowd thickened and hundreds of people were trying to squeeze through the small streets of Jerusalem. It’s towards evening, so the heat is still intense and the density of the crowd was thronging.
                A certain women was concerned, yet determined to dig her way through the crowd, but she found hardly any success. She looked up and saw in the midst of all these people, in a short distance, a man headed towards her direction. She knew exactly who he was, his warn out red robe with faded white under clothing. She was sick for quite some time now, around twelve years. She was sick, even close to being within years of her deathbed, she lost all hope in recovering, but she had heard of this one man, who was known for his performing of miracles. This was her one and only chance, it was worth a shot.
                This man with a few others was pinching their way through the crowd. She knew he was on an errand because of the way he was going through the crowd, so she did not want to bother him. As he was drawing closer and closer, this woman was feeling something in her, a spark. Something she only heard of, but now she felt it, a joy, a peace, and what she was looking for, a hope. The intensity grew and grew as he approached, her heart was swelling and tears were almost forming in her eyes.
                The man was walking past and she couldn’t do it, she was too frightened. There were too many people and this man was in too much of a rush, so she decided not to bother him. Right as he passed her heart sank. She remembered this is her only hope, her only chance of being healed, so something moved her. She realized if she didn’t do it now, she would possibly never get another chance to be healed. So she bottle up the courage, all she had, all her will power and worked her way through the crowd. She climbed through the people, looked up, and realized she was within a couple of feet of him. She knew she couldn’t touch him, so as the crowd started pulling her back, she realized this was her chance. As this man walked, his robe swung up and she grasped a hold of the edge, even touched the edge of his robe.
                She no longer felt weak, she felt strong, and she was healed. This weight, which was weighing on her shoulders and mind, was dissipated completely. After her finger brushed the edge of his garment, she coughed trying to catch her breath because of this shock, this excitement, and her new life. A smile broke out on her face, but soon left.
                This man, whom she touched, stopped and asked whoever would listen, “Who touched me?” The crowd stopped and started to gather into a circle, gathering around this man. This woman, trying to squeeze through the crowd, couldn't because the crowd was too thick. The crowd silenced and a few whispers broke out. A fear broke out among her face because she knew that it was only moments before she was no longer hid.
                Peter, along with a couple of others, looked at this man, whom many loved, and asked, “Master the multitude throng thee and press thee and sayest thou who touched me?” Many people had a puzzled look on their face, not knowing what the reply to Peter’s statement will be. Peter at this time recognized this man, whose name is Jesus, was serious and eh was going to be teaching whoever touched his clothing.
                Jesus looked in the crowd, and a small smile formed in the corner of his mouth, while he replied to Peter’s question, “Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that a virtue is gone out of me.” Peter and a few others stepped back and watched. The crowd, silent at this moment, looked puzzled and all were wondering, who touched this man? The crowd looks around trying to solve this mystery.
                This woman’s legs were shaking because she knew she could no longer remain hidden. Her breath shortened and a sweat broke out on her forehead. She was frightened and she was a very shy individual, one who could not even speak in front of a crowd. She looks throughout the crowd at these condemning eyes, then looked up at this man named Jesus, whom many calls their Savior, or even the actual Messiah, one who is known in the records of Jerusalem, the one who is to save the world from sin. She looked at him in his eyes and at this time she felt comforted.
                She stuck one foot into the circle of people; she knew many eyes were looking on her, all curious. As she slowly walked to our Savior, her legs started to give out, causing them to wobble and she started to tremble, so she quickly came before the master. Her legs finally gave out, causing her to fall on her knees. She looked up into his face and saw the biggest smile and comfort in his eyes.
                She, who was kneeling before the Messiah, told him and the crowd everything. She told them why she touched him, to how she miraculously got healed, to now. She told it all. She got emotional, tears started to flow down her cheeks. The crowd is standing in awe, wondering how the Savior is going to react to this confession.
                So our Savior looked at her, and smiled, and took a deep calm breath, and lovingly and respectively declared to her, “Daughter, be of good comfort.” At this time, he stepped forward and helped her up and confirmed to her, “thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” She wept.
                Our Savior had a destination he needed to be at though, so he soon left, leaving her standing alone in the midst of the crowd, healed. The road soon turned into a road full of people going all about.

*This is not necessary doctrine, many excerpts were taken from the gospel of Saint Luke, and many expressions were written by the author.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Journal with a Mind

The Journal with a Mind

By Chase Willden

"A small and simple spark of light," declares Mayor Alexander, the mayor of this small hidden valley, while holding his top hat from blowing off. He continues, "can overcome even the darkest of all places." As Mayor Alexander concludes his declaration, small drops of rain starts to fill the village. Whispers breaks throughout the crowd while thunder explodes. Now the people are starting to get startled. The rain picks up, filling the wagon rivets with water. Thunder explodes again, startling the horses.

Mayor Alexander leaves the congregation of people, who were all dressed in black mourning over the death of Frederick Vilston, the grandfather of Jacob Vilston. Mayor Alexander walks over to Jacob, who is now hiding under the umbrella of his mother and says to him, "Your grandfather left you his journal, he was a good man." Mayor Alexander pulls out of his pocket a small, black leather journal. It has a small strap to hold the pages together. Jacob looks up and nods his head.

Mayor Alexander walks through the mud, trying not to get too wet and boards the carriage. The wind picks up and blows his top hat off of his head into a forming puddle. There's no reason to stop though, he's late.

Jacob opens the book, flips through the pages, and notices that they are all blank. Except, that is for one. there was one single line which reads, "7 Minutes." After he read it, the words faded away, almost as though it wasn't there before.

Two minutes pass when Jacob's and his mother approach their carriage. Three minutes pass when the horses start down the road. Then Jacob hears a faint bang from where he was, Jacob realizes that seven minutes had passed away and chills went throughout his body. Jacob pulls out his grandfathers journal and flips through the empty pages. Where are those words, Jacob thought, but they were nowhere to be found.

Creative Short Story